• Arianto Institut Agama Islam Hasanuddin Pare
  • Anik Matul Laili



This study aimed to reveal how the urgency of sighat ta’lik talak in Indonesian marriages and how the content of sighat ta’lik talak according to a gender perspective.  This study used a normative-empirical research method.  The type of research used was a case study, which was a research conducted with incentives, in detail, and then on an organization, institution or certain phenomena.  Data collection techniques with the method of observation, interviews and documentation.  The results of this study indicated that: first, the Head of the Office of Religious Affairs, Kepung District, Kediri Regency believes that through reading sighat ta’lik talak, a husband can be aware of his responsibilities to his wife.  Sighat ta’lik talak is understood as one of the efforts to guarantee the rights of women (wives) and protect them from discriminatory actions and arbitrariness of men (husbands).  This is a commitment for the husband to mu’asyarah bil ma’ruf for the realization of a sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah family.  Second, that the content of sighat ta’lik talak in a gender perspective is that the obligations and rights of husband and wife are formulated on the basis of equality and justice where they have the same obligations and rights.  The thing that distinguishes it is the reproductive task (natural) for women and for husbands the obligation to provide physical and economic protection guarantees.

Keywords: Ta’lik Talak, Head of the Office of Religious Affairs, Gender


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How to Cite
Arianto, & Anik Matul Laili. (2022). SHIGAT TA’LIK TALAK PERSEKTIF GENDER. JURIH: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum , 1(1), 16-30. Retrieved from