AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora <p><strong>Ar-Rosyad</strong>: Academic journal of Islamic and Humanities Social, published by Center for the Research and Public Service, Islamic Institute of Hasanudddin, Pare-Kediri. This journal invites contributions from all traditions and academic perspectives on the study of Islamic and Humanities Social and publishes articles in Indonesian, Arabic and English on textual and contextual approaches to the study of Islamic and Humanities Social. This journal is published twice a year, namely in December and June. Editors accept articles that meet scientific standards and book reviews that match the journal's theme. The editor has the right to edit without changing the content and intent of writing. Editor's Address: Jalan Kelapa 84 Jombangan - Tertek Pare-Kediri, East Java, Tel. (0354) 394721.</p> LPPM IAI Hasanuddin Pare-Kediri en-US AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2964-9498 Perbedaan Qira’at Imam Nafi’ dan Imam Hamzah Dalam Surah al-Dhuha <p>This study aims to analyse the differences between the Qira'at of Imam Nafi' and Imam Hamzah in Surah Al-Duha. Qira'at is a variation in the recitation of the Qur'an that is permitted by the Shari'ah and has distinctive characteristics. Surah Al-Duha, as one of the Makkiyah Surah, provides a clear example of this variation. This study uses an analytical descriptive method to compare aspects of the two Imams' recitations, including differences in letter pronunciation, intonation and tajwid. The results show that there are significant differences in some verses of Surah Al-Duha involving variations in recitation that affect the meaning and way of understanding the Quranic text. This study is expected to provide a deeper understanding of qira'at and its contribution to the rich tradition of Quranic recitation.</p> Khairul Azmi Iskandar Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 1 21 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1437 Bullying dalam Perspektif Nilai Fundamental Tafsir Maqashidi: Analisis Maqasid Syariah Dalam rangka Hifdz Aql Dan Hifdz Nafs <p>Bullying is a social phenomenon that has a significant negative impact on physical and mental well-being and social harmony. From an Islamic perspective, bullying is contrary to the values of the Shariah, which aims to protect and respect human rights. This research aims to analyse the phenomenon of bullying through a maqashidi interpretive approach that focuses on the maqashid principles of Sharia, specifically hifdz nafs (preservation of the soul) and hifdz aql (preservation of the spirit). This research used a descriptive-analytical method based on desk research, with the main sources being the Qur'an, Hadith, and classical and contemporary tafsir books. The analysis showed that bullying violates the principle of hifdz nafs by threatening the security of the soul and the emotional balance of the individual, as well as the principle of hifdz aql because it hinders the intellectual development and mental health of the victim. This research recommended a Maqasid Sharia values-based approach to preventing and addressing bullying by raising awareness of the importance of upholding honour and human rights. The results of the research are expected to serve as a basis for the development of social, educational and legal policies that prioritise the protection of the soul and intellect, in line with the main objective of Islamic law to create universal benefits.</p> Idris Idris M Ulil Abshor Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 22 38 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1438 Yāsīn dalam Interpretasi Bisri Musthofa: Meninjau Tafsir Yāsīn dan Tafsir Al-Ibrīz Terhadap Tafsir Lafadz Yāsīn <p><em>Fawātiḥus suwar</em> is a part of the <em>ulumul</em> <em>Quran</em> that studies the beginning of surahs and letters including muqaththa'ah (letters that are cut off) such as <em>qāf</em>, <em>nūn</em>, and <em>yāsīn</em>. This study is very much debated among scholars about its meaning, because <em>muqaththa'ah</em> letters include <em>mutasyābihāt</em> verses (polysemous verses and often cannot be understood). In this case, Kyai Bisri Mustofa is interesting to study because he tries to interpret the letter <em>yāsīn</em> through his two commentaries (<em>Tafsīr Surah Yāsīn</em> and <em>al-Ibrīz</em>). This study is to examine Bisri Mustofa's interpretation of lafadz <em>yāsīn</em>, as well as to trace the relationship between the two interpretations.</p> Lukman Khakim Moch. Abdul Rohman Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 39 54 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1439 Membuka Otoritas Pintu Ijtihad Perspektif Paradigm Based on Maqashid Syari’ah <p>There are two types of corruption faced by Islam, which led to the stagnation of the creativity of ijtihad of the mujtahids, so that the lack of Islamic legal products, such as: First, churafat, including idolatry, which is the height of corruption, shamanism, predictions about the arrival of good and bad things, magic, gambling and others. Secondly, the suppression of freedom of thought, which leads the mind to take a policy from an essence that is not in accordance with the correct position of the Dzan. This phenomenon has plagued the thinking of Muslims in recent decades. The purpose of this research is to explain freedom of thought (tahrir al-aqli) as the most basic manifestation of the preservation of reason (hifzu 'aql). Freedom of thought is one of the efforts to preserve the mind from the side of its preservation, which is part of the concept of the basic structure of Maqashid Shari'ah, which revolves around the basic paradigm of benefit (Paradigm Based On Maqashid Shari'ah). This research is a literature study using descriptive analysis method through maqasid al-shari'ah approach. The results of this discussion show that the solution to break the stagnation of thought in the Islamic world, so that the door of Ijtihad is reopened, is to promote and demonstrate freedom of thought. All forms of restriction of thought that prevent critical thinking must begin to be abandoned. By maximising the potential of freedom of thought, which is the movement of the intellect to find the essence of something, it will be able to understand the divine treasure and reveal the shar'i laws to enforce the Shari'a according to what the Shari'a wants</p> Muhammad Zamroji Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 55 73 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1444 Resepsi Alquran Santri Pondok Pesantren MBI Mambaul Falah Bawean <p>&nbsp;This research examined the reception of the Qur'an among the students of MBI Mambaul Falah Bawean Islamic Boarding School. The Quran is understood as an ideology that gives rise to positive behaviour in social tradition. The concept of 'living Quran' is the basis of this research to identify three models of reception: exegesis, aesthetic and functional. Using a qualitative approach, this study highlights the Qur'an as a source of knowledge and a guide to life for students in shaping good morals, character and attitudes to become servants who have good spiritual and social relationships, especially later when Khidmah in the community. The findings of the author's research show that Qur'anic reception is not only an academic endeavour but also a life practice that inspires and motivates santri to live a meaningful life. This research highlights the importance of contextualised and responsive Islamic education in meeting the challenges of the times in the contemporary era.</p> Sholihan Sholihan Ria Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 74 87 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1440 Implementasi Quantum Teaching PAI Dalam Meningkatkan Kreatifitas Belajar <p>Islamic Religious Education taught in schools should be able to emphasise the cognitive aspect and being able to encourage and move Islamic Religious Education teachers to be more careful in which developing Islamic Religious Education learning that is oriented toward value education (affective). Islamic Religious Education should be able to practice its education in the emphasis on cognitive aspect in growing religious awareness, must be able to touch the affective and conative-volutive aspects, namely the willingness and awareness to practice the values of Islamic teachings. The problem that arose in the learning of Islamic religious education are capable of creating innovation in the growth of students' awareness. Innovation is needed in the implementation of learning in order to create students who are touched by affective and conative-volutive aspects. This article tries to explore the right approaches and method in teaching and learning activities that exist so far, where teachers are always positioned as the only source of obtaining information (teacher-centred) and students are passive in seeking and processing this information, by getting used to student creatively (student-centred) constructing their own understanding through their learning activities.</p> Ahmad Natsir Fitriono Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 88 103 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1441 Akselerasi Kemampuan Membaca Turost Santri Melalui Metode Al-Misbah <p>The yellow book or turost has an important role in Islamic learning in Islamic boarding schools, especially to deepen classical sciences. Modern Islamic boarding schools, which have a shorter learning system, often experience challenges in teaching nahwu and shorof sciences in depth to their students. As a result, students often do not have an adequate understanding of turost. This study examines the effectiveness of the Al-Misbah method in accelerating the ability to read turost in students at the Al-Amanah Krian Modern Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo. The main focus of this study is to improve students' understanding of the yellow book with a more practical and visual approach, considering the limited time they spend studying in modern Islamic boarding schools. The Al-Misbah method is presented as an alternative that emphasizes direct practice and visualization, which is expected to make it easier for Generation Z students to understand turost without having to go through a long process of mastering nahwu and shorof. The research approach used is a qualitative method with interview techniques, observation, and field data analysis. The results of the study showed that the Al-Misbah method was able to significantly improve the reading ability of students at the Al-Amanah Krian Modern Islamic Boarding School in a shorter time compared to traditional methods. As many as 85% of students involved in this study experienced an increase in their understanding of the text independently, while 72% felt that this method was more interesting and suited to their learning style. This method also supports the learning characteristics of generation Z, which is more responsive to visual media and direct practice than memorizing long grammar rules. Thus, the Al-Misbah method can be used as an effective turost learning method for modern Islamic boarding schools, which allows students to gain a deep understanding of the yellow book even in limited study time.</p> M. Miftahun Najib Copyright (c) 2024 AR-ROSYAD: Jurnal Keislaman dan Sosial Humaniora 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 3 1 104 119 10.55148/arrosyad.v3i1.1442